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The Plant Based Podcast

Feb 26, 2023

When you look outside do you wonder what you could do to bring winter interest to your garden? The Winter Garden at Cambridge Botanic Garden is at it's absolute best right now. From stunning Cornus to fragrant Winter sweet there is a lot to be inspired by.
If you want to make sure your garden is a feast for the...

Feb 19, 2023

It's the horticultural news round up week from gigantic aphid spotting to community gardening grants, hear the latest in the world of gardening.

After the news, @mrplantgeek and @ellenmarygardening enjoy the winter sun as they gossip on a bench at Cambridge Botanic Garden as they chat winter gardens, the benefits of...

Feb 12, 2023

Meet Megan Webb @carnivorous_plant_girl) who specialises in carnivorous plant propagation and research. Megan has hundreds of plants providing a foundation to her research and uses them to create helpful content on social media. With loads of hints and tips, facts and figures be inspired to grow your own at home...

Feb 5, 2023

Hear the latest horticultural news round up from @ellenmarygardening and @mrplantgeek covering topics such as governments plans to ensure biosecurity to the BBC One Show wild escape museum project. Michael gives his top ten plants seen at his recent trip to IPM Essen and Ellen chats about her new Wabi-Kusa.
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