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The Plant Based Podcast

Mar 26, 2023

New series! To kick off series 11, meet Rebekah from The Royal Horticultural Society advice line.  If you have gardening questions and are a member of the RHS Rebekah has got the answers. In this chat with @mrplantgeek and @ellenmarygardening Rebekah talks about the advice line and some funny gardening stories.

Mar 19, 2023

In this weeks news and gossip episode @mrplantgeek and @ellenmarygardening chat about health, wellbeing, possums and other horticultural ramblings. The news covers Royally flowery stamps, the future of food on the shelves and exotic plant growth plus much more. 
Sponsor of series 10 is @lavaliteuk - a range of...

Mar 12, 2023

In this weeks episode @mrplantgeek and @ellenmarygardening dive into the world of a horticultural consultant, editor/publisher and all round great guy - Chris Young. Many in the industry will know Chris and he chats through life as a freelancer, landscaper and everything else in-between.

Afterwards, since Ellen is on...

Mar 5, 2023

It's the horticultural news round up week from rude shaped topiary to gardening for mental health in London, hear the latest in the world of gardening. After the news, @mrplantgeek and @ellenmarygardening chat about Camellias, work for the year ahead which includes some exciting announcements!


Sponsor of series 10 is